Soramitsu Tabe x Reader : Honeybun

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A Tabe one-shot was requested.
For this one-shot you and Tabe are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended weirdly!

Tabe blushed feeling you press a kiss to his cheek.
" Hey Tabe. What do you want for dinner?" You wrapped your arms around Tabe , Leaning your head against his.

" Hmm....I heard about this type of food...Italian?" Tabe Mumbled. You chuckled , Kissing Tabe's cheek once again.

" Yeah I can look it up. I love you Tabe." You beamed , Before waking to the kitchen.

Tabe watched you walk away , Grinning a bit.

" (Y/n)'s is nice...Like a honeybun.."

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