Taishiro Toyomistu x Reader : Amazing

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Taishiro is almost in season four! Just a few more weeks then we get to see the marshmallow in action!
For this one-shot you and taishiro are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy! ^-^

Taishiro arrived at your shared home , Bringing you some food from your favorite restaurant. And just in time too! You were just about to make some food.

He had set the food on the table , Watching as you dig into the bag to grab the delicious food. Taishiro could only stay for a little bit , He was actually still on duty , But he just wanted to see you. (And also partake in some good food.)

Taishiro sat across from you with his face resting in his palm , As he stared at you with a wide smile.

" Taishiro this food is amazing thank you!" You beamed , With your mouth still somewhat filled with food. Taishiro perked up a bit.

" Really? Could I try?" Taishiro's smile slowly turned into a smirk. You took one more bit before nodding and pushing the food towards him.

But what you weren't expecting was taishiro standing up to lean over the table , To pull you into a deep kiss.

When he pulled away , He stared at how shocked and embarrassed you looked. Taishiro let out a chuckle. " You were right (y/n) , That was amazing."

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