Enji Todoroki x Reader : This is why i never let you do anything

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( WARNING : This story contains beatings , and cutting. If you are not comfortable with that PLEASE DO NOT READ.)

' crap , this is bad..' you thought , while looking over the city. Some parts of it were on fire , while the other parts were infested with villians.

You prepared to jump into action. You leaped off the building , but as soon as your feet left the rooftop , someone grabbed you , pulling you into their chest.

Your back was pressed against their chest , so you could only turn your head to look at who stopped you from jumping. What you saw was an angry endeavor , and that was never good.

" What the heck are you doing?" His angry voice asked you. You gave a confused look. " My job?" You raised an eyebrow at him.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "It's dangerous here , go back to the agency." Endeavor commanded you.

Working at endeavor' s angecy was a dream come true for you. But there was one downside...HE NEVER LET YOU DO ANYTHING!!! Seriously , this is your 4th year with him , and he's only asked you to go on two missions. TWO MISSIONS.

You sighed frustrated , escaping his grip. " WHY DON'T YOU LET ME DO ANYTHING!?!" You shouted at him , making him jolt back a bit. You never yell , so this was new.

You turned away from endeavor , crossing your arms. " You're a valuable assest , it would be a tragedy if i lost you." He put his hand on your shoulder , hoping you'd understand. You took a deep breath.

" if I'm a valuable assest , then let me do this mission." You looked back at endeavor , with a small smile. Endeavor looked to the side , knowing you're right.

he furrowed his eyebrows as he thought about what to do. he looked back at you , you bouncing with determination.

he gave a small smile , with a quiet laugh. " fine , you can do this mission." he finally answered. you smiled widely , with an exited gasp. " but , if anything gets to rough for you , get me immediately." endeavor lectured you like how a father would to his daughter.

you gave a quick nod , running then jump into the action. endeavor watched you and sighed. ' she better not get herself into too much trouble.'


things were going smoothly , you managed o save at least fifteen citizens. other heroes took out most of the villians , so you were close to call this a victory.

you walked into an alleyway to take out your phone to tell endeavor the situation. but before you could tell endeavor where you were , a villain hit you on the back of your head. you collapsed to the ground , blood dripped from the back of your head onto your face due to gravity.

you groaned trying to get up , but the villain stepped onto your back pushing you to the ground again. the villain's friends came out of hiding , now standing around you.

" we were just about to take over this town , until you stupid heroes ruined that!!!!" he yelled , kicking your side as hard as he could. the other villains joined in , beating and cutting where ever they could.

your barely conscious form looked at your phone , to see that it was still on. somehow you pressed send , leaving a blood stained print. one villian noticed your arm moving . so they stepped on it hard. all that was heard from that alleyway was beating and muffled screams.


Endeavor was just about to call you when he got your text. ' so that's where she ran off too.' he thought , putting his phone back into his hidden pocket. " everything looks fine here , I'm going to go find (y/n)." he raised his voice , so the other heroes could hear him. they just nodded , as he ran in your direction.


endeavor finally reached the alley you were in , and what he saw confused him. a bunch of men stood in a circle...beating something. " Hey what are you doin-" when some men turned , endeavor saw what looked like your body covered in blood.

he stood there in shock , but then turned angry. " crap the flame hero: endeavor!" one man said scared. " don't tell me she's one of his sidekicks."

endeavor started to walked foward with a purpose. " indeed she is."

- time skip after the fight cause I'm lazy -

with no doubt endeavor won. he panted quietly , then looked at your form with softer eyes. he sqauted down beside you , picking you up bridal style. you opened your eyes a bit , looking up at him.

" this is why i never let you do anything."


i hoped you enjoyed ^-^

I've written a one shot like this before , but that was in a anime one shot book. So if anyone read that then this , i did not copy it was my own work.

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