Sir Nighteye x Reader : Fanfiction

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Ahhhh!!! Sir Nighteye's name got released a couple of days ago! Mah boy finally has a name! But I'm still going to call him sir nighteye for now.
I hope you enjoy! ^-^

Sir nighteye exited his office for the first time in awhile. He looked at all of his sidekicks , Noticing bubble girl typing away on her computer with a wide smile. Nighteye adjusted his glasses , before walking over to bubble-girls desk.

" Bubble-girl , Do you have those reports I told you to fix?" Nighteye spoke , Causing bubble-girl to freeze. She looked up slowly , Laughing nervously.

" Uhhhh...Sorta? I kinda got sidetracked with something.." She scratched the back of her head , Hoping nighteye wouldn't get too mad at her.

Nighteye just sighed. " With what?" He crossed his arms , Raising an eyebrow at the blue haired female.

" Ummm...Writing fan fiction.." She looked away from her boss. " About?" He questioned once more. But he did not expect her answer to be-

" About you and (Y/n).."

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing in complete shock. They looked over at bubble-girl with both confusion and curiosity.

Nighteye cleared his throat , Placing his hand over his mouth. " May I ask why?" He raised his eyebrow once again.

" (Y/n) asked me too." Bubble-girl gestured over to you. You just stared at her with a pout , Blush spreading across your face so fast , That you're sure that you look like a tomato right now.

" I told you to keep that secret..." You muttered , Burying your face in your hands.

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