Hawks x Reader : My two heroes

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Hawks was requested by Really_man00. I hope you enjoy ^-^ for this one shot , you and hawks are married with a five year old son with hawks quirk. also (son/n) = son name

" What are you doing up there little man?" Hawks chuckled at his son who was currently flying above his father with a big grin on his face. " Training my quirk!" the boy beamed with determination plus happiness. Hawks let out another chuckled shaking his head a bit.

" why train your quirk so early?" Hawks tilted his head , as (son/n) landed on the ground , stumbling a bit. He looked up at his father with even more determination. " Because when i grow up , i want to help protect mommy!"

hawks made a surprised expression , then it quickly turned into a smile. Hawks squated down to be eye level with his son. " You know your mother is quirkless , don't you?" (son/n) nodded quickly. hawks let out a sigh. " Well i would appreciate the help around here , what do you say little man?"

(son/n) gave an opened mouth smile , letting out an exiting gasp. He nodded rapidly. hawks laughed , grabbing his son and putting him on his shoulders. " do you want to see if she needs assistance?" he looked up at his son smirking a bit. " Yeah!"

" ok lets go!"


You let out a frustrated sigh while rubbing your eyes. you were beyond exhausted. you sat at your desk in your in home office typing away on your computer , Because your boss needed you to write out a twenty page essay about the sales in business. You just needed to finish this page then it was complete.

Since you've so focused all that you have been hearing was quiet , So you were not expecting- " WIFEY!!" "MOMMY!!" Hawks yelled in sync with his son as he opened the door , with a huge grin on his face. You nearly jumped out of your skin. " D-don't..do..that." you stuttered trying regain your composure.

Hawks chuckled along with his son. " Sorry mama." (Son/n) started to speak. " We just wanted to check on you. See if you needed saving." Hawks finished (son/n)'s sentence , as he walked up to you. You smiled slightly , Shaking your head a bit.

" I need saving from my job..." you muttered turning back to your computer. Hawks chuckled. " Here let me help." He leaned over you to move the mouse to click save , then closed your computer. You couldn't help but laugh. " My hero!" You kissed hawk's cheek.

(Son/n) pouted. " Hey what about me?" You looked up at your son , who was still on hawk's shoulder and smile. " Yes , You're my hero too."

" YAY!!" He crawled off hawks to land in your arms. Hawks leaned down to hug you both. You all sat there in a family hug for awhile. " My two heroes..."

Sorry if this one kinda sucked. I'm still getting used to writing about hawks. I hope you enjoyed though. ^-^

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