Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : I tried to tell you

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In this one-shot you and inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Such a handsome boy." You muttered , Placing your head in your palm , Staring at inasa. He was currently talking with shishikura , Who looked rather annoyed.

" Hey (Y/n) , You ok fam? You've been staring at Yoarashi for like...Forever." Camie tilted her head , Pointing at the said boy.

You glanced up at the girl , A blush creeping to your face. " Eh , I was just-" Camie gasped loudly before you could finish your sentence. " Do you like Yoarashi?!?" Camie whispered to you excitedly. " Well-" " OMG! You totes have a crush on him!" Camie grabbed you by your shoulders , Shaking you slightly.

" Camie-" " Don't worry girl. I got you. I'll help you tell him." You panicked slightly. " Camie , Inasa and i are already-"

" Hey! Yoarashi , Come here for a sec!" Camie called the enthusiastic boy."

Inasa turned to you two , Excusing himself from shishikura. You faceplamed when he started walking over. " Hey camie , What's up?" Inasa smiled  , Tilting his head slightly.

" (Y/n) , Has something she wants to tell you." Camie gestured to you , As your were still burying your face in your hands. " Oh! What is it?" Inasa quirked his eyebrow , Awaiting your answer.

You looked up at inasa , Before taking deep sigh. " I love you inasa." You gave him a small smile. " Oh! I love you too (Y/n)!" He quickly leaned down , Giving you a kiss.

" Did you still want to grab udon later?" He asked , Standing up straight from his crouched position. You just nodded , Making inasa's smile grow. " Cool! We can walk there together after school. I love you babe! See ya camie!" Inasa waves at you two , Walking back to shishikura.

Camie's mouth was wide open with shock. " What just happened!" " I tried to tell you that inasa and i were already together.."

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