Mirio Togata x Reader : Jackets

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For this one-shot you and mirio are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Hmmm..." Mirio furrowed his eyebrows , Looking through his closet repeatedly. " Are you ok mirio?" You questioned , Pausing the game that you two were going to play together.

" Yeah it's just..I cant find my jacket. It's starting to get chilly you know!" Mirio commented , Before walking over to you. " But oh well I guess!" He laughed , Joining you on the couch once more.

" Oh , I have your jacket right here." You pointed to his jacket that was right beside you , Making his smile widen. " So that's where I put it! Thank you for finding it!" 

" You gave it to me five minutes ago mirio...You said it was 'Cold' so you let me have it." You Reminded , Handing it to him.

Mirio laughed once more. " I guess my noggin' ain't remembering stuff right! That's so funny!"

You shook your head , Laughing along with him. " You ready to play mirio?" You beamed , Gesturing to the game.

" Yeah totally! Now if only I remembered where I put the game controller..."

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