Hawks x Reader : Pretty Bird...

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The young birb man was requested.
For this one-shot you and hawks are already in a relationship.
And I do apologize for not writing exactly what you requested , I'm just not very good with sassy type one-shots? If that makes since. But I hope you enjoy anyway! ^-^

" Hey (y/n)- Woah.." Hawks stared at you with a his mouth slightly open and eyes wide with shock. You turn head at him , Confused. " What?"

" It's just.." Hawks smirk grew. " You look better in my clothes than I do." Hawks gestured to his T-shirt that you were currently wearing. You sighed , Turning back to the unfinished dishes.

Hawks grin increased. He quickly flew over to you , Wrapping his arms around your waist. " You do look gorgeous (y/n). Hey! Maybe you should stop doing the dishes and hang with me for awhile-OW Hey!" Hawks quickly pulled away after feeling you hank one of his feathers.

" Sorry , Not today pretty bird."

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