Jin Bubaigawara x Reader : Laughter

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Jin is good boy!
For this one-shot you and Jin are already In a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You were laying on Jin's chest , Smiling up at him while he ran his fingers through you hair. You kissed his jaw , Making him laugh. " That tickles stop! Keep tickling me babe!" Jin tried to push you off.

You smirked , Continuing to press kisses all over his neck and jaw. Jin tried once again to push you off , But you were determined to stay on him.

Jin's laughter was the cutest thing , You could probably listen to it for hours.

" I love your laugh Jin , Definitely In my top ten favorite sounds." You finally stopped your kiss attack and just nuzzled into his chest once more.

Jin's blush grew as his laughs faded. " Aw cmon , Why you gotta say cute things...Your words are stupid!!!"

You let out a chuckle of your own , Wrapping your arms around him , As Jin did the same to you.

" Cause your too cute Jin." "...Noooo."

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