Shinya Kamihara x Reader : Long hours..

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This is definitely new for me , I never written him before So i hope i did well. Edgeshot was requested by zoe_animebaka For this one-shot you and shinya are already dating. Sorry that it's so short...

It has been a long day for shinya , Long patrols , Then a long fight between some villains , And then long hours of paperwork he had to get done with. So the usually calm and collected hero , Was beyond exhausted and out of it.

When he arrived home , He saw you on the couch , Drinking some tea , Along with reading a book. You looked up at him and smiled. " Hey , How was hero work?" You asked him.

Shinya let out a tired sigh. " Long." He responded briefly. Long days happened to him , But not often. So when he responded with that word , You knew exactly what to do. You did it every time this happened.

You placed your tea and book on the side table beside the couch. Shinya walked over to you , Hugging you. You wrapped your arms around him , Letting him slowly collapse on you.

It's been a few minutes of him laying on top of you , While you rubbed his back. You then heard shinya let out a content sigh. " Thank you..."

Your smile grew. " You're welcome shinya..."

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