Mirio Togata x Reader : Like a puppy..

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Mirio was requested.
For this one-shot you and mirio are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Heya (Y/n)! How are ya doing?" Mirio beamed , Wrapping you in a hug. " I'm doing ok-" Before you finish talking , Mirio pressed multiple kisses to your face.

" Oh hey! Did ya hear about that new ramen place they opened!? I heard it was really good!" Walked with you , A arm around your waist.

" I don't think a I have Mirio-"

" Then we could go there today! We haven't been out in awhile anyway!" Mirio grinned brightly , Jumping a bit in the excitement. You chuckled , Grinning gently. " Yeah , We could go there for dinner."

Mirio's grin widened. " Awesome! Oh..I have to go honeybun! I love you! Can't wait for ramen!" Mirio placed a kiss on your cheek , Before running off.

You chuckled once more , After realizing that mirio is just like a puppy.

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