Roomate!Hawks x Tsundere!Reader : Stupid bird...

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Hawks was requested by @Yuki6546
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Yo (Y/n)! I'm back from hero work" Hawks called to you , Flying through the door. You stepped outside of the kitchen , Holding a bowl of cake batter. " Ah! Ok. Welcome home." You smiled slightly , Going back into the kitchen.

Hawks smirked , Taking off his jacket before following you. "You miss me?" He leaned against the doorframe , Giving you a grin that made all his fan girls swoon.

You scoffed at his words in annoyance , But the blush on your face told him that you did , In fact miss him.

" Aw! You're so cute (Y/n)! Getting all blushy blushy because of me." Hawks laughed , Walking closer to you. " W-What! I'm not blushing because of you!" You tried to defend , But your blush only grew worse.

" Really? So , Are you just cold or something?" " Y-Yeah! I'm just cold!"

Hawks smirk grew wider. " Here let me warm you up then." Hawks took the mixing bowl out if your hands , Placing it on the counter , Before pulling you into an embrace.

" There is that better?" You groaned , Burying your face in his chest. " Stupid bird..."

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