Shouta Aizawa x Reader : Sunshine

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A tired man was requested by @KanemiStark
And I apologize for not writing your exact request!
For this one-shot you and Shouta are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird note.

You smiled looking at Shouta's sleeping face. You had woken up before him , And the way the sunshine beamed on his face just made Shouta so beautiful in this moment.

You laid your head carefully onto his shoulder , Sighing softly. You started to play with some of Shouta's lose strands of hair escaping his messy bun.

You felt him shift a bit , His eyes opening slowly. Shouta looked over to you , Lazily scratching his chest.

Your smile widened , Making him blink a couple times at you in confusion.

" What..?" Shouta mumbled , His voice a bit raspy from waking up. You leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. " Good morning sunshine!"

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