Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Big Squeeze!

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For this one-shot you and inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended weirdly.

You were talking with Camie as you two walked down the hall on the way to the cafeteria. You met up with her when you left yours and inasa's class , While Inasa met with shishikura.

" So , Any new gossip and about you and yoarashi that you can tell me? Cause you two are like my otp." Camie asked out of nowhere , Making you laugh nervously.

" Not really. We haven't been able to hang out a lot due to you two retaking the license exam , And studying for the big test in a couple of weeks has been taking up most of my time-"

" BIG SQUEEZE!!!" Inasa yelled , Grabbing you from behind and lifting you into the air. " Wha-Inasa!" You giggled as Inasa began to chuckle along with you.

Inasa then immediately put you down , Saying a quick bye before running back to shishikura.
" So like , What was that?" Camie questioned , Very confused.

" Oh , That was Inasa and I hanging out. Since we've been busy that's all that we can do for hanging for right now." You smiled , Fixing you're now wrinkled clothes.

" Ok that was totes adorbs though."

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