Tenya Iida x Reader : Cold

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I apologize but , I'm closing requests for one-shots since I have quite a few to write. I hope you understand.
Anyway for this one-shot you and Tenya are already in relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird note.

" Ah , Why does it have to be so cold out?" You shivered. Today you and Tenya decided to go out lunch , And you thought that it would be fine to go without a jacket.

I mean , The season just started to change , Surely it wouldn't be that cold.

But BOY were you wrong!

" Well you see (y/n) , When the summer time ends fall , One of two coldest seasons arrive. It changes our surroundings too , Like the leafs change color and fall off the trees. Also it has some holidays that people enjoy , Such as thanksgiving and-"

Tenya was then interrupted by you tightly wrapping your arms around him. " Uh- (Y/n) , What are you doing?" Tenya placed his hands over your arms , Very confused.

" I'm cold Tenya , Hug me." You mumbled , Burying your face into his chest. Tenya sighed , Moving his arms around you.

" You probably wanted me to hug you in the first place , Is that right (y/n)?" Tenya questioned , As you simply nodded in response.

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