Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader : A good nights rest

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Hitoshi was requested by @CinnamonApple23
For this one-shot you and hitoshi are already in a relationship
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

After a long day of training with Deku and uraraka , You flop onto your bed exhausted. You turn your head to look at your alarm clock , Seeing that it's close to twelve AM.

' Man , We trained for too long. No wonder I'm so sore.' You sighed , Picking up your phone.

You noticed a bunch of missed texts from Hitoshi. You did leave your phone in your dorm cause you wanted to focus on training , But you felt bad for not responding quicker.

You quickly went to go respond to him-

" Hey sorry for not responding , I was training with some friends. But I hope you have a wonderful sleep Hitoshi and please don't stay up too late. Cause I know you need some sleep. UWU"

You smiled placing your phone on your nightstand , Before trying to drift to a peaceful sleep as well. But not even a minute later , You heard your phone buzz.

You pick it up to see a text from Hitoshi-

" Thanks for waking me (y/n) , I really appreciate it."

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