Juzo Honenuki x Reader : Incecure Kisses

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Eren's titan form was requested by @juicydogscrunchie
For this one-shot you and Juzo are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize that it took so long.

You grinned , Placing another kiss onto juzo's lips/teeth. Juzo just chuckled a bit , But his own grin faded afterwards.

You quickly grew concerned. " Juzo are you ok?" You asked , Tilted your head a bit. Juzo let out a puff of air. " Yeah just....I feel bad." He muttered , A blush growing on his cheeks. " Why? What's wrong?"

" I can't kiss you properly (y/n).." Juzo looked away from you to hide his blush from you. You then became confused. " What do you mean?"

Juzo glanced back at you. " I-....I don't have lips..." He pouted , Then looking away from you again.
" Yeah..? What about it?"

" Doesn't it bother you?" Juzo turned towards you , Now his turn to tilt his head. You giggled , Leaning cowards to kiss him on his teeth.

" Of course not! Lips or no lips , You're the person I fell in love with Juzo." You beamed , Wrapping your arms around him in a hug.

Juzo's blush increased , Immediately hugging you back. He hid his face in the crook of your neck , Muttering words you couldn't really hear.

" What was that Juzo?" "...I love you (y/n).."

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