Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Sweatshirt

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My boy fats was requested by @chica_le_cat
For this one-shot , You and fatgum are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird note.

" (Y/n)...?" Taishiro mumbled , Slowly opening the door to your shared home. It was currently 2:51 AM , Taishiro didn't expect you to be awake. But knowing you , You might've been awake.

" Are ya awake muffin?" Taishiro carefully walked into the house. " TAISHIRO!!!" You bolted towards the large man.

" Ah! Muffin!" Taishiro caught you when you jumped into his arms. " I was so worried about you!" You mumbled into his shoulder. " Oh , I didn't mean to worry ya , Sorry that I got held up at work."

Taishiro placed you on the ground , Patting your head. " I try to be home sooner tomorrow- Wait....Is that..? My merch?" Taishiro pointed to your Fatgum jacket , That you were wearing...In front of Fatgum...

You face lit up in embarrassment. You quickly turned away from him. " I forgot I had this on! I apologize taishiro! I'll put it away!"

Before you could walk away , Taishiro hugged you from behind. " No! It's totally fine muffin. I didn't even know that ya bought my merch , I coulda given' ya one!"

" Eh , I had it before we even started our relationship..." You muttered , Embarrassed that he now knows of your secret sweatshirt. " Oh really?" He questioned with a small smirk.

You nodded slowly , Still with prominent blush of your cheeks. " Well , It's nice to know that you loved me from the start muffin." Taishiro laughed , Kissing your ear , Only Making you blush more.

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