Knight!Mirio Togata x Mage!Reader : Protection

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Knight mirio was requested by LOsT-inDaRK
I hope you enjoy ^-^

" Haha , Fighting these goblins are so simple. Don't you agree (y/n)?" Mirio smiled , Taking down a goblin.

You just sighed , Blasting ice at another goblin. " Knight mirio , You need to focus. We were tasked to clear the goblins near the castle , So we can't afford to-"

Before you could finish your sentence , Mirio pulled you away from a goblin so it wouldn't hit you. Mirio stepped in front of you , Taking down the goblin with ease.

" Ya need to be careful there! Can't afford to lose this battle by getting distracted!" Mirio smirked at you , Causing you to blush slightly in embarrassment.

" And please , It's just mirio." He ran off with a laugh. You sighed once again shaking your head at the male.

After awhile of fighting , You , Mirio and everyone else defeated the goblin barrage. You had a couple scraps and scratches , But other than that you were fine. You all were about to leave , But everyone looked in the sky when they heard the roar of a dragon.

The creature flew above you all , Circling before it landed right in front of your group.

" EVERYONE , FOCUS ON SLAYING THE DRAGON BEFORE IT DESTROYS THE CASTLE!" A knight shouted , Charging towards the dragon. Everyone nodded , And charged towards it as well.

The dragon roared once more , Before clawing at the group charging towards it. The knights flew backwards , Getting Claw marks on their armor. It didn't hurt them to badly though , Thanks to how strong the armor was.

The dragon looked around the remaining people standing , It's eyes stopping at mirio. It roar once again , Mouth alighting with flames.

Mirio's eyes widened , He tried to get out of the way , But the flames shot towards him. Mirio shut his eyes , Preparing to feel the burn.

But he never felt it. He opened his eyes to see a force field around him. Mirio looked around a bit , Before looking at you. Your eyebrows were furrowed , Obviously focusing on keeping the field around mirio up.

The dragon stopped it's fire breath , To see that it did no damage. It glance around , Eyes stopping at you. It growl as it made eye contact with you.

Mirio gazed between you and the dragon. " (Y/N) , GET OUTTA THERE!" The dragon's mouth lit up once more.

Thankfully , A knight jumped in and defeated the dragon before it could harm you. You and mirio both sighed in relief. You let Mirio out of the bubble and he immediately ran to you.

You were caught of guard when mirio hugged you. " You ok?" He muttered against your shoulder. You hugged him back. " Yeah , But are you ok?"

Mirio pulled away with a small smile. " Yeah." He pulled you into a hug once more. " It's Funny , I'm supposed to protect you..."

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