Mirio Togata x Shy!Reader : You're Cute

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Mirio is a ball of beans.
For this one-shot you and mirio are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended weird.

Mirio's grin increased , Listening to you talking about random things. Mirio honestly found this too cute.

He laid his head on one of his palms , Making you grow concerned. " Ah! I'm a boring you? I apologize , I didn't mean to-"

" You're cute (y/n)..Did you know that?" Mirio's blush grew on his cheeks , As well as your blush.

" I- Um..." You grew embarrassed , Rubbing the back of your neck. " Oh! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything! It's just you are too cute (y/n)-"

" You're..Cute too mirio." You gave him an awkward grin. Quickly pecking his cheek.

Mirio grinned like a goofball , Pulling you into a massive hug.

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