Chisaki Kai x Short!Reader : Height

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For this one shot you and Chisaki are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You and Chisaki were standing in the kitchen. He was leaning against the counter , Talking about his "work" , While you struggled to get something off of a shelf.

Chisaki noticed your struggle after awhile , And chuckle softly in amusement. " Do you need help (y/n)?" He walked behind you , Reaching for the container of cookies.

But you swatted his hand away. " I got it Chisaki." You pouted , Climbing onto the counter.

Chisaki gave you a questioning look , But he rolled his eyes before walking away.

A few moments later-Even though you were on though you were on the counter , Reaching as much as you could to grab the cookies.

You still couldn't grab the cookies.

You sighed , Looking over your shoulder to see Chisaki staring at you. You blushed , Looking away.
" H-hey , Chisaki?" You spoke hesitantly.

Chisaki raised an eyebrow. " Yes?" " Could...Could you grab the cookies for me..?" You glanced over to him , With a nervous smile.

Chisaki sighed walking over to you , Grabbing the cookies from the shelf and handing it to you.
" This is why you should let me help you in the first place , It's sad watching you struggle."

He patted your head as you blushed more. " Well maybe you shouldn't put the cookies in such high places Chisaki..."

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