Mirio Togata x Reader : Competition

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For this one-shot you and mirio are already dating.

you , mirio , nejire , and tamaki were hanging out at the mall today , basically like a double date. " ooh , look tamaki!" nejire grabbed onto his arm , pointing to a stand that had exotic food. tamaki looked at it , then immediately looked away from it embarrassed.

nejire smiled at her shy boyfriend. " you get flustered so easily tamaki." she kissed his cheek , making him blush more.

you giggled shaking your head at the two. you looked at your own boyfriend , who glanced down at you smiling and raising an eyebrow. " what? do you want one too?" mirio asked giving a cheeky grin. you blushed with slightly parted lips.

mirio pointed at the food stall. " were getting food soon , do you want it as an appetizer?" he tilted his head. you blushed even more at his slight teasing. you looked away embarrassed , as he laughed at your reaction.

" i swear , you and tamaki are the most easily embarrassed people i know." mirio hugged your waist tighter , as he patted his friends back. that comment made you and tamaki blush more.

nejire giggled , nodding in agreement. " its not like its a bad thing , we still love you guys." she reassured , hugging tamaki's arm tighter. mirio nodded as well , kissing the top of your head.

" but seriously , do you want some food now?" you shook your head. " no , I'm fine." you mumbled , sighing a bit.


before getting dinner , you guys decided to go ice-skating! that should be fun...but since this is your first time ice-skating , ya keep falling on ya butt! ( if you have been ice-skating before , then I'm sorry.)

you huffed in annoyance plus embarrassment. mirio skated up to you , extending his hand to help you up. you gladly took it , being careful not to fall when you got up. mirio put his arms around your waist when you fully stood up , making  you blush.

he laughed a bit. " seriously (y/n) , thats the ninth time you've blushed today." you laughed nervously. " has it really been that much"

mirio nodded , kissing your forehead. " its tamaki's tenth time blushing , so your doing good!" nejire called out to you and mirio , as she helped tamaki up.

mirio pressed his forehead against yours. " i love you so much (y/n)." he smiled brightly at you. you smiled back at him. " i love you too mirio."

after a few seconds , mirio slowly pressed his lips against yours , making your face exploded with embarrassment.

" ten..." mirio mumbled , pulling away slightly. " mirio that's cheating!" nejire shouted at him , with an angry pout.

you looked at nejire , then back at mirio with a confused expression. mirio chuckled nervously. " we were having a competition of you can make you or tamaki blush more."

" are you kidding me?" "nope!"


i hope you enjoyed ^-^

I've written a one shot like this before , but it was in a anime one shot book. If anyone read that , than this I'm not copying it was my own work.

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