Muscular x Reader : Blushing

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Muscle boi was requested by Overhual55 I hope you enjoy ^-^ For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.

You were sitting on muscular's lap , back pressed against his chest while you two watched a movie. You could feel the annoyance coming from muscular , He let out a deep sigh , Squirming slightly , Moving his leg up and down impatiently.

You knew he wanted to go out and cause a ruckus , But you being the good one wanted him to stay and not hurt people. " Hey , Did you want to go out-" " Yes!" Muscular immediately answered. He got up , Making you get up.

" I'll be back later 'kay?" He quickly kisses your head , Then practically ran to the door. " Muscular wait!" You went to go after him. He turned his head to look at you.

" I love you." You smiled brightly. Muscular's eyes widened slightly , A small blush appearing on his face. He tried to cover it when he noticed your bright smile turn into a smirk.

" Are you...blushing?" You questioned while slowly walking over to him. " What-No! It's just the dang cold!" He attempted to defend himself.

Your smirk grew. " Really? It's the cold?" "Yep! I ain't blushing cause-" " Cause I told you that i loved you?"

Muscular's blush grew. " E-exactly!" You started laughing when he stuttered. " Oi! Don't laugh at me! He stomped over to you , Blush extremely noticeable. Before he could say anything else , You leaned up to kiss his cheek.

" Have fun , I love you muscular." You walked away from him , Leaving him in a pouty blushing state.

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