Muscular x Reader : Jokes

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For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You and muscular were on the couch watching a movie. It was a chill day. No league of villains missions , Muscular didn't want to cause a ruckus for once. It was just a nice relaxing day.

You were laying on muscular's lap , With him running his hands through your hair , As you both watched the television with blank expressions.

You let out a puff of air looking up to muscular. A tiny grin appeared on your face.

" Hey muscular..." He looked down at you then back up at the movie.

" What?"

" What time is it when it's time to go to the dentist...Tooth hurty."

Muscular looked down at you , With a bored expression , While you began to chuckle.

" (Y/n)....That was the worst joke I've ever heard.."

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