Tamaki Amajiki x Reader : Be my Valentine....?

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Tamaki was requested by zoe_animebaka I hope you enjoy ^-^ Sorry that this took awhile to get out.

" Hey , (Y/n)! What's that?" Mirio asked you , startlingly you a bit. You knew that he was gesturing to the flowers in your hands. " Is it from a boy?" Mirio questioned smirking slightly. A faint blush appeared on your cheeks while shaking your head.

" No it's...For someone." " Ooh! Tell me who! Is it someone I know? Do they have a powerful quirk? Do they like you too!-" You placed one hand over his mouth to stop him from embarrassing you even more.

" J-just calm down mirio...please?" As soon as you removed your hand from his face , He pulled you into a big side hug. " How can I calm down when my dearest friend has a crush?"

" What? (y/n) has a crush?" You both heard nejire speak. Before you could speak , Mirio beat you to it. " Yep! She's gonna give that lucky fella flowers for Valentine's Day." You faceplamed , Trying to cover up your blush.

" Oh yeah , That's today right?" Mirio nodded , Still smiling like the sunshine he is. Nejire walked over to you , Hugging your other side. " Our little (y/n) has a Valentine's Day crush!" Mirio shouted , Allowing the passing students to hear.

Your blush increasing at the attention. " Tamaki! Did ya hear (y/n) has a valentines day crush?" Your eyes widened at his name. You look up to see tamaki staring at you three.

" R-really?" He asked. Nejire and mirio nodded as a response. Nejire quickly left your side , Walking over to tamaki and pulling him into this group hug. Tamaki's chest pressed against yours , Mirio and nejire at your sides , Trapping you in a small box of your friends.

Your blushing so freakin' hard right now. Little do your friends know , Your Valentine's Day crush just happened to be tamaki.

You were planning on being alone with tamaki when you gave him the flowers , But in this moment it's all you could do. You lifted the flowers into tamaki's face , But still left room so you could see his eyes and nose.

" Be my valentine...?" You smiled awkwardly , Tamaki's face turned a shade of pink. He just stared at you with eyes , His lack of response making you think you feel like you ruined everything.

You slowly lowered the flowers. " I-I'm sorry tamaki , I shouldn't have-" " Y-yes.."

It was your turn to stare at him with wide eyes. Tamaki smiled slightly at the flowers then at you , A smile slowly appearing on your face as well.

" AWWWWWW!!!!!" Mirio and neijre said in unison , Making you and tamaki blush more.

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