Chizome Akaguro x Reader : Exciting news

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I had this idea for chizome for awhile , I just never got around to it until now. I hope you enjoy though! ^-^ for this one-shot you and chizome are married.
( WARNING: Will contain an attack , So if your not comfortable with that then please don't read.)

' What is he? The way he killed everyone...he's not even human." The small time villain panicked while hiding in fear. " All of you are just fake criminals that chase petty dreams that need to be purged." The hero killer talked to the countless bodies. The hero killer was just about to leave , Until he got a phone call. The other villain was confused , But he decided to listen in on the conversation.

The hero killer grabbed his phone from his pocket , Looking at the contact to see that it was you calling him. " Hello?" He answered his phone. " Hey! I was just calling to see when you were on your way home." You responded cheerfully through the phone. The hero killer looked at his watch sighing a bit. " I can be on my way. I just finished here anyway."

You smiled. " Cool beans! I love you chizome!" Chizome chuckled slightly shaking his head a bit. " I love you too (y/n)." With that the two of you hung up. Chizome let out another chuckle before he started to leave.

The small time villain was in both shock and excitement. ' So the hero killer has a lover huh? I bet she'll be lonely once he leaves her again.' The villain smirked to himself has he thought his plan for getting back at the hero killer. He sent out a small drone , Thanks to his quirk , So he could follow the hero killer home. ' And people said my quirk was worthless.'

* The next day*

" Alright I'll be back later." Chizome walked into the living room to say his goodbyes. " Why leave during the day?" You looked over at him , Raising an eyebrow in confusion. " The city I'm going to will take awhile to get there. So , It'll be smarter for me to leave now." He started to walk towards the window to make his leave.

" Wait chizome!" You quickly stood up to walk over to him. Chizome stopped walking to look back at you. " What is it?" You caught up with him. " When you get home tonight , I have some news to tell you!" You wrapped your arms around him kissing his cheek.

He stared down at you squinted his eyes slightly at you. " As long as it's good news." You giggled. " I hope so.." You muttered with a hoping tone. Chizome raised an eyebrow at you then shook his head.

" Alright then , I'll see you later." He kissed the top of your head. After you both said your 'i love you's' , He left. Leaving you home alone like most nights.

When he left you decided to make some lunch. You were preparing to cook/make/heat up some food until you heard a thud. You looked up slightly in confusion. Chizome obviously wasn't home , You sadly didn't have any pets , So you didn't know what it was.

When you started to walk towards the noise , A unknown man walks out of yours and chizome's bedroom. Your eyes widened when you saw him but he smirked when he saw you. " Hey there little lady , You must be the hero killer's wife! It's so nice to meet you." he pulled out a knife and started to walk towards you. He was definitely underestimating you , You were chizomes wife after all.

You started to back up more into the kitchen making the small time villain laugh. " Where you going dollface? I thought we could have some fun!" Your backside hit the counter , letting you reach back grabbing a knife of your own , Throwing it at the villain.

It grazed his face. Dang you needed to practice with chizome more...

He grew angry , Running towards you at full speed. " YOU DOG!" Before you could do anything else...The villain stabbed you right in the stomach. He pulled out the knife letting you fall to the ground , You were still alive surprisingly but the wound was bad. The villain laughed at you mockingly. " Now lets see how he feels when he loses his pride and joy." The villain left through the front door , Leaving it open.

You were left panting , Bleeding , And just wanting chizome...

You closed your eyes in hopes that this was just a nightmare. You opened your eyes when you heard someone drop something on the ground. It was the mail man , He was both scared and stunned. You looked up at him with desperation.

" Help..."


Chizome was walking through the alleyways , Making sure he had everything. ' Dangit , How did i forget my katana...' He turned back around with a sigh. Chizome finally made it back , Just in time to see you being wheeled into an ambulance. His eye's widened at the scene.

' What the...(y/n)? Don't worry...I'll meet you at the hospital..' Chizome thought to himself , like he was talking to you. Chizome started to back away from the scene. ' Just don't die in the meantime...'

I hope you enjoyed ^-^. I will be making a part two to this , since it's so long. So look out for that if ya want to.

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