Chisaki Kai x Reader : Bro Cry!

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I don't know , Just...I hope you enjoy.
For this one-shot you and Chisaki are already in a relationship.

Chisaki walked into his office to find you already in there , Sitting on one of the couches. " Hey Chisaki , How was the meeting?" You smiled , Tilting your head.

Chisaki just grunted , Strolling over time his desk to sit down. That grunt he does when you ask that question usually means it wasn't a very good day for the Yakuza.

You let out a hum , Furrowing your eyebrows a bit. " You need to let out a cry Chisaki? Bro? A bro cry? You can cry on me bro! Bro cry!" You spoke casually.

Your words made Chisaki give you a questioning look. " What the heck (y/n)?"

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