Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : I love ya too/ Part Two of relax

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A part two was requested by @BlackRukh814 I hope you enjoy ^-^ So this is kinda like a flashback to when Taishiro finds out that you like him.

" Get some rest tamaki." Fatgum called out to his intern before entering his office , He glanced over to you at your desk. Your head resting on your desk , Obviously sleeping. Fatgum chuckled slightly at you.

He knows that you need this sleep , You've been working extra hours than normal , So it would make sense that your exhausted.

Fatgum walked over to you , But before he could wake you up , You started mumbling. Him being him , He decided to listen to you for a bit.

" Well...i think...your great...and i.." ' Aw , She's dreaming 'bout a guy. How cute...To bad that it's not me-'

"really love you Taishiro..." Taishiro's eyes widened at your words. ' Did...Did she just..Say she loves me?' Taishiro couldn't help but smile. Taishiro has had the biggest crush on you since a month after you started worked with him.

" I love ya too (y/n)..." He whispered , Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. He stared at you for a few more minutes , Before walking back to his desk.

Taishiro was happy that he decided to listen to you.

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