Dabi x Reader : Couch Naps

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Dabi was requested.
I apologize if this isn't what you requested.
Anyway , For this one-shot you and dabi are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You and dabi laid on the couch together , Watching a movie for your date. Dabi laid ontop of you , With his arms wrapped around your lower back.

It was just a warm , Cozy feeling.

You felt yourself grow a bit tired , As you heard dabi yawn. You looked down at him , Making dabi look back up at you.

You beamed , Wrapping your arms around his neck, Dabi chuckled , Changing your positions to a more comfortable one.

" Good night dabi..." You mumbled , Closing your eyes to take a nap. Dabi chuckled once more , Burying his face into your hair.

" Goodnight (y/n)." Dabi muttered , Kissing the top of your head , Before he attempted to fall asleep as well.

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