Tamaki Amajiki x Reader : Hold me

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Some soft angst for the Elf boy.
For this one-shot you and tamaki are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize my angst writing skills aren't the best , But I wanna try to write them more.

" (Y/n) , P-please just hold me." Tamaki cried , Fiddling with the hem of his shirt. You immediately ran over , Wrapping tamaki in a tight embrace. Tamaki latched onto your shirt , Burying his face into your shoulder.

His tears were dampening your shirt , But it didn't matter to you. You ran your fingers into tamaki's hair , While tightening your grip on him.

Suddenly his legs gave out , Allowing you both to fall to the floor.

" Tamaki..It's going to be okay." You tried to reassure him , Placing a kiss on the top of his head.

" It's going to be alright..."

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