Bandit!Dabi x Princess!Reader : See you soon princess..

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Dabi in a fantasy AU was requested by @aazutoorihara
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird note.

You let out a sigh , Staring out the carriage window. Your father decided it would be a good idea to check in on the towns people , Which you were excited for! You got to explore the town , Talk to the villagers! But when your father told that you had to stay in the carriage , You immediately grew sad and disappointed.

" Well be reaching the village soon m'lady." The coachmen called to you. You just sighed once more , Before replying with a quick alright.

Suddenly , You heard a thud ontop of the carriage. You were about to ask the coachmen what that was , But you heard another tiny little thud then a scream.

You were pretty sure that someone had pushed him off. You started to panic. You were about to open the carriage door to jump out , But before you could , Someone already opened it.

They jumped in , Landing right in front of you. They had purple scars all over their face , And some along their hands.

" Hey there princess." The unknown man smirked down at you. " Sorry to intrude and take out all your guards , But we saw your carriage and we just had to take a peak to see what kind of treasure you have." As he spoke , He got closer and closer to you.

" I-We don't have anything!" You tried to back away the man , But the small carriage stopped you from doing so. The man hummed , Placing his hand right next to your head. You attempted to push him away , But he just grabbed your hand.

Before anything else could continue , You both heard another males voice. " Cmon ash tray! They don't have anything." " Yeah cmon dabi! Let's go find more people to stab!"

The man you now know as dabi chuckles , Before looking back to you. " Looks like you were telling the truth.." Dabi backed away , Preparing to jump out of the carriage.

" See you soon princess..."

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