Muscular x Reader : Soft

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A cute muscular request by Overhual55 , I hope you enjoy UWU For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship. Sorry if muscular is out of character.

You awoke feeling a chill in the air , Even though you were clinging on to muscular' s back. You let out a small sigh , letting go of muscular , And turning to lay on your back. You glanced at the clock , Seeing that it was 5:01 A.M

You then stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes , Unable to fall asleep again. You felt movement beside you , Making you look at muscular.

He let out a groan , As he moved to lay on his back as well. Muscular rubbed his eyes with one hand. " Why are you awake so early?" He mumbled a bit husky.

" I was cold..." " You're always cold." Muscular shifted on his side so he could face you. He wrapped his arms around you , Bring you closer to him.

His hand glided up your back into the strands of your hair. He trailed his fingers through your hair , His other hand moving up to play with your hair as well.

" Your hair' s soft..." Muscular whispered , Which was unusual for him. You blushed lightly , Smiling at the scene. You wrapped your arms around muscular once again , Enjoying him being calm for once.

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