Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Boba Tea

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I hope you enjoy this silly idea I had for the wind boy.
For this one-shot you and inasa are already in a relationship. ^-^

I apologize if it ended on a weird line.

" I really enjoyed our date (y/n)! It was definitely filled with so much passion!" Inasa cheered , Clenching his fists in the air. You laughed at the enthusiastic boy. " Inasa we just went shopping at the mall , And our date isn't even finished yet."

Inasa looked down at you , Smiling widely , Laughing as well. Inasa looked up , Noticing a boba tea stand. " (Y/n) , Do you want boba?" You looked over at the stand as well. " Yeah sure."

So you and inasa went to the stand , Purchasing some boba tea's before sitting down at a table to enjoy your boba.

You two sat there for a couple of minutes , Chatting away. " Oh! What if I tried that thing where people put there boba in between their pecks." Inasa spoke jokingly.

You giggled. " inasa , I don't think it'll work for you-" "LOOK!" Inasa shouted with amazement , Pointing at the boba sitting perfectly between his pecks.

" Wha- How are you doing that!" " I don't know , But it's pretty cool!" Inasa took a sip from the boba , That was still placed on his chest.

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