Sir Nighteye x Reader : Cosplay

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Nighteye was requested.
For this one-shot you and nighteye are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Nighteye look!" When nighteye turned his head , His eyes immediately went to your outfit. You were wearing one of his hero outfits , With your hair almost like his own.

Nighteye gave you his usual blank expression. " What is the meaning of this (y/n)?" Nighteye questioned , pushing up his glasses.

" Oh yeah!" You rushed over to Nighteye , Ignoring his question. You reached up , Carefully grabbing his glasses and putting them on.

" There. Now my look is done!" You adjusted the glasses to keep them from falling off. " What do you think?"

Nighteye just let out a deep breath. " I think your very amusing (y/n)..But now I cannot gaze upon your look."

You pouted. " Why? Did I do anything wrong."

" No , You just took away my glasses."

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