Muscular x Reader : New Years!

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Happy new year buddies! OvO

For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Muscular! Are you excited?" You beamed , Jumping next to him on the couch as he watched TV. " For what?" Muscular mumbled , Flipping through the channels.

You looked at muscular with a confused expression. " For the new year?" It was muscular's turn to look at you with a puzzled look.

"...Oh yeah. That's..Today." Muscular finally remember , But quickly waved it off. You pouted a bit. " Cmon muscular. Could..We at least watch the ball drop together? I mean it's almost time anyway-"

" Yeah , Whatever." Muscular tossed the remote at you. You gave him a tiny grin before turning to the right channel.

After a few minutes , It was time.

" Ah! Only a few more moments!" You cheered , Leaning towards the television in excitement.

You began to countdown before the big moment!









Muscular grabbed your face , Pulling you towards him.


Then he roughly placed his lips onto yours.


' Happy new year!!!' You heard the tv yell with glee.

After awhile muscular pulled away with a big grin , Happy with how embarrassed you looked.
" Happy new year (y/n)."

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