Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Good Hugs

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For this one-shot you and inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" (Y/n)!!!" Inasa yelled , Grinning widely. He wrapped his big buff Cheeto puff arms around you , Picking you up from off the ground.

" Inasa- What is this for?" You tilted your in confusion at the overexcited boy. " I just felt like a hug!" Inasa's grin faded a bit , As he twirled you around gently.

You felt a blush creep on your face. " I- Uh- Yeah, Hugs are fun.." You looked away from Inasa , Your blush growing.

Inasa's Grin returned. " Hey! I give good hugs!" A blush appearing on Inasa's cheeks as well.

"...Yeah. You do Inasa.."

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