Shuichi Iguchi x Reader : Lizard boy

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Lizard man was requested by @i_hAVe_kNifE_HaNDs
For this one-shot you and shuichi are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if ended weirdly.

You and iguchi were laying in bed together , With him on top of you. Iguchi rested his Chin on your chest , Giving you a tiny pout.

You grinned at the lizard boy , Before leaning down to press a kiss to his nose. Iguchi's cheeks immediately turned pink.

" You're cute iguchi." Your grin grew more gentle , While you ran your hands through iguchi's pink hair.
Iguchi clicked his tounge.

" I am not! You're the adorable one." Iguchi leaned up , That way iguchi's hovering over you a bit.
" That's where your wrong lizard boy."

" Lizard boy-"

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