Natsou Todoroki x Reader : Snowy Days

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I've never written natsou before , So this is going to be new. Anyway this Todoroki was requested by @juicydogscrunchie
For this one-shot you and natsou are already in a relationship , I hope you enjoy! ^-^

" Winter has always been my favorite season. It's my mom's favorite too." Natsou smiled , Looking up to see all the snowflakes falling from the cloudy sky.

You and natsou decided to walk to and from the grocery store , Mostly because he enjoyed the cold so much. " It's a very pretty season natsou. I can see why you're family loves it so much."

" Yeah....Except him." Natsou grew more serious at the thought of his father. You frowned at your boyfriends expression.

Natsou told you about some of the things his father did to him and his family , It really is a tragedy to hear such things.

" Hey now , I didn't mean to bring that up. Let's get your mind off things , How about we build a snowman?" You cheerfully suggested , Hoping your tone would make him feel better.

Natsou laughed slightly at your idea. " (Y/n) , We have groceries. We can't just leave em' here." " Ah , They can be right beside us. Come on' Natsou!"

Natsou chuckled once more , Walking into the snowy grass , Placing the bags on the ground. " Well then , Let's build it quick. Fuyumi might get angry with us if we're late for supper!"

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