Muscular x Reader : Hold

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Muscy. OvO
For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy.

You let out a breath of annoyance , Pouting and looking away from muscular. Muscular just grinned up at you , Bring you closer to him.

" Muscular..."

" Yeah?"

" Are you ever gonna put me down?" You finally gazed at muscular , Placing your hands on his upper arms to keep yourself from falling.

" Nah!" Muscular moved you into a bridal hold. You let out a breath once more , Also moving your gaze from him once more.

" Even when we're in public...?" You mumbled , Looking at all the other people in the grocery mart giving you two questionable looks.

Muscular chuckled , Placing a couple kisses on your neck. " Who cares?"

"...I do muscular...That's the thing.." you buried your face in muscular's chest , Hiding from the embrassing looks.

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