Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader / Part Two of cookie...?

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Part two! ^-^

I apologize if it ended weirdly.

Taishiro kept his gaze between you and his paperwork that laid there unfinished. Things didn't go that well the first time he tried to ask you out...

- Last time -

Fatgum grabbed the cookies , Ruffling both of his interns hair , And then finally making his way over to you.

" Heya (y/n)!" Fatgum greeted confidently. You looked up at Fatgum , Giving him a tiny grin. " Hey Fatgum , What's up?"

Fatgum froze for a minute , Before regaining his composure. " I was just wonderin'-" Fatgum leaned on your desk and-

"....Ow." Fatgum laid there in a pile of your desk that broke from his weight. " Ah! Are you ok!?" You went to help Fatgum up , But he beat you to it.

You two bumped heads , Making you fall backwards on your butt.

You just gazed at Fatgum , Rubbing your forehead from the bump. He just looked at you , His cheeks Turning bright pink.

" Um...I'll replace your desk..."

- End of flashback-

It's been two weeks after that and Fatgum hasn't even tried to ask you out. But he has been talking with kirishima more about it.

Therefore today Fatgum was gonna try again!

" Hey (y/n)." Fatgum muttered quietly , But it caught your attention. " Yeah Fatgum?"

No one was else was in the office , Just you and Fatgum. Nothing could go wrong.

" I was wonderin'..if-"

" If I'd like to go out with you? Of course Fatgum! Or did you want me to call you Taishiro?" You grinned playfully , Turning to the large man.

".....Wait a minute...How'd you know-"

" Tamaki told me." You answered before he could finish his question. "...Tamaki." Taishiro let out a deep breath.

" I was gonna ask ya myself.." " I know. But that would've taken forever , Ya know?"

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