Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Cookies...? / Part one

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Taishiro was requested by @_JustarandomOtaku_Ka
For this one-shot you are a sidekick at Fatgum's agency.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Taishiro took a deep breath , And just kept Looking at from across the agency. He was placed at his desk , Trying to focus on paperwork , But he was just distracted by you.

Kirishima and tamaki noticed this , Looking between you and Taishiro.

" Um..Fatgum?" Kirishima pokes the larger man , Making Fatgum jump. " Huh!...Yeah red riot?" Fatgum chuckled nervously.

" You know you can just..Talk to (Y/n)." Kirishima tried to give Fatgum a little push. (Mentally not physically.)

Fatgum grew even more nervous. " Ahh! But what do I tell her? I can't do that red riot!" Fatgum panicked , Gazing between his two interns.

" Just be yourself man! You got this!" Kirishima cheered as tamaki just gave him a thumbs up.

Fatgum just kept his gaze of the two boys , Before taking a deep breath and looking over to you.

He got up. Walked over to you. You looked up at him curiously , And before Fatgum could talk , He just walked right back over to kirishima and tamaki.

" Yeah , I cant talk to her..." Fatgum places himself right back his desk again. Kirishima pouted. " But you have to! It's been like this even before I was a intern here!"

Fatgum placed his head on his arms. " But...I don't want to mess up..I really like (y/n).."


" Cookies?" Fatgum became confused at the randomly placed cookies right infront him.

" Give her cookies...It's for the beginning of the conversation..." Tamaki mumbled , Putting his hands in his pockets.

Fatgum immediately beamed with happiness. " Tamaki yer a genius!" Fatgum yelled , Making tamaki jump back a bit.

Fatgum grabbed the cookies , Ruffling both of his interns hair , And then finally making his way over to you.

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