Chisaki Kai x Reader : Touch

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For this one-shot you and chisaki are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Chisaki walked into your home , Saying a quick hello to you but only to be greeted with the sounds of the television. He walked over to the couch to see you , Laying there and just focusing on the TV.

Chisaki shook his head. He could've been someone else that was trying to attack you or something , And you'd probably still be focused on the screen.

Chisaki took off his jacket , Throwing it at your face. " I said hello." He muttered , Sounding slightly annoyed.

You move the jacket off your face , Looking at chisaki and giving him a smile. " Hello chisaki!" You greeted him cheerfully , Before turning your attention back to the TV , Now using his jacket as a blanket.

Chisaki rolled his eyes. He walked in front of the couch , And just....Fell. Right ontop of you.

You looked down at him with confusion. " Chisaki...? Are you ok?" You carefully placed your hands on his shoulders , Expecting him to say 'Don't touch me' , But it never came.

All he said was- " Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
You look back at the tv for a moment , Then back at him. " It's just...You never really let me touch you..."

" I do. I just don't allow other people to touch me. You're...Probably one of the only people who I actually enjoy the touch of.." Chisaki spoke. He felt his face grow warm , Something that only happened when he was with you.

You face also grew warm from his words. You two stayed silent for awhile , Until chisaki looked up at you to see you smiling widely.

" I'm glad chisaki."

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