Tensei Iida x Reader : Lazy Day

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For this one-shot you and Tensei are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You woke to feeling tensei press kisses to your back. You turned your head , Meeting tensei's gaze. Tensei grinned widely , Pressing a kiss to your lips.

" Good morning (y/n)!" Tensei Wrapped his arms around your waist bring you closer to him. You chuckled. " Good morning to you to tensei." You muttered against tensei's neck.

Tensei glanced over to the clock , Noticing how early it was. " Hey (y/n)?" Tensei mumbled , Resting his chin ontop of your head. " Hm?"

" How bout we have a lazy day?" Tensei grinned. You thought about it for a moment , Before you grinned as well.

" Yeah."

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