Shinya Kamihara x Reader : Beautiful

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Another shinya request by Rosetale_Frisk22 I hope you enjoy ^-^ For this one-shot you and shinya are already in a relationship.

You and shinya were standing on the porch to your home/apartment , Looking up at the night sky. You let out a deep sigh. " This is peaceful." You gave a small smile.

Shinya looked over at you. " I agree." He took a moment to admire how the moonlight shined on your face. " It's also so beautiful." Your smile grew.

Shinya smirked slightly. " Not as beautiful as you." You blushed slightly looking over at him , You then shook your head giggling lightly. " Nah , You're more beautiful."

He rolled his eyes. " Ah yes , I'm the queen of beauty." He said with a sarcastic tone. You laughed at his remark , He chuckled along as well.

When you two calmed down , You looked at him once more. " I didn't know you made jokes." You grinned at him , Tilting your head a bit.

" I'm full of surprises." He turned to you , Kissing your lips deeply. You widened your eyes , Your face turning a slight shade of pink.

Shinya pulled away , Going back into your shared home. You blinked at his leaving form , Then smiled widely. " Indeed you are shinya."

Sorry this took so long to get out , But i hope your pleased with your request.

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