Chisaki Kai x Reader : Drawings

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Overjerk here was requested by Really_man00. I hope you enjoy ^-^ In this one-shot you and overhaul are already dating.

It was just you at your apartment/home today , Chisaki was at a yakuza meeting so he wouldn't be back for awhile. To pass by time until he came home , You decided you should draw. You sat down at your desk , opened up your sketch book with determination to draw!

But..You had no idea of what to draw. ' Maybe i should draw a bird!' You thought excitedly , But that feeling went away as soon as it came. ' Nah , That sounds boring now...' You let out a deep sigh. You sat there for a few more seconds until you came up with another thought.

' What if i drew chisaki?' You smiled at the thought. you picked up your pencil and started to draw the man you love.

After a good thirty minutes , You finished your drawing. You smiled at it proudly. " I think someone missed me.." You heard chisaki speak from right beside you. You turned to look at him a bit stunned mixed with embarrassment. " Chisaki! I thought you weren't coming home til later?" You quickly closed your sketch book. He shrugged , Placing his coat on a coat rack.

" I decided to cut the meeting short. We were just talking about the progress we made anyway." He muttered walking into the kitchen. You nodded placing your sketch book back where it was. " Did you make lunch?" You heard him open the fridge. " Yeah , its on the top shelf."

Chisaki nodded , Grabbing the left over food. " Oh (y/n) , I really liked that drawing."

Sorry that this was a bit rushed at the end there. Anyway i hope you enjoyed , And thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoyed all three one-shots!

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