Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Handsome

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I love my boy taishiro. UwU
You and taishiro are already in a relationship in this one-shot.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Taishiro , You're so handsome." You spoke out of the blue , Resting your head on taishiro's shoulder. Taishiro stopped eating his takoyaki , Looking at you with an eyebrow raised.

" What brought this on?" Taishiro gave you a tiny grin , With a blush making its way on his cheeks. You sighed , A smiled of your own growing as well.

" No reason , I just wanted to let you know that." You leaned up , Placing a kiss on his nose.

Taishiro's blush grew , Turing back to his takoyaki.

" Well , Yer not too bad yourself missy."

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