Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Food Wars

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Oof , Fatgum is probably one of my favorites to write. So , Thank you @animefanitic
For requesting tashiro.
For this one-shot you and taishiro are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. UWU

Ah! I apologize if it ended weird!

You and taishiro walked hand in hand along the side walk of a popular street know for its food stalls. You two were actually on a date , So you two were trying to decide what place to chow down.

" Hmmm , Oh! How 'bout we get good ol' fashion takoyaki! Sound like a plan muffin?" Taishiro grinned , Tilting his head slightly to the side. You were a bit hesitant at first.

" Uhhh , Could we maybe go somewhere else?" You laughed nervously , Trying to pull him in the opposite direction of the takoyaki stand.

You honestly didn't like takoyaki that much. (If you do then I apologize) , But you didn't really want to tell taishiro that. It was his favorite food.

" Why not? Takoyaki is the best!" He started to walk towards the stand again , Even though Your pulling him as much as you can , But he was unfazed.

" T-Then could I just get something different? Like um....Udon! Udon sounds great right now!" You once again chuckled nervously , As taishiro gave you a confused look.

" Udon? I mean that dish is good and all , But nothin' beats takoyaki. Let's just get some takoyaki and then we can enjoy the rest of our day-" "Taishiro , I don't like takoyaki!" You finally told him.

He gave you yet again a confused look. " How can you not like takoyaki? We literally had it at our weddin', And you even ate four plates of it."

" I ate it to make you happy. But I prefer (Insert meal here)." You mumbled , Looking away from the large man. " Seriously? Why that dish , It's not nearly as good as takoyaki."

You sighed in slight annoyance. " Could you not talk about takoyaki right now?" " Make me!"

You gave a angry pout , Before Jumping onto taishiro , Giving him a big smooch.

And after that he stopped talking about takoyaki for awhile , Still very much blush on his face.

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