Muscular x Reader : Giant Teddy Bear

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For this one-shot you and muscular are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You grinned gently , Running your fingers through muscular's hair , As he was asleep on your lap. His arms wrapped loosely around your waist , While his face was in the crook of your neck.

You heard toga and twice giggling while they entered the room. " Hey (y/n)!- Oh.." Toga whispered , Noticing the peaceful muscular.

You waved to toga and twice , Muttering a quick 'Hey'.

" Aw! Muscy looks peaceful when he's asleep!" Toga whisper yelled , Taking a place on the couch beside you.

You chuckled , Hugging muscular's waist gently.
" Yeah , Muscular's like a giant teddy bear...when he wants too."

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