Shinya Kamihara x Reader : Don't leave...

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Angst for shinya was requested by Rosetale_Frisk22
I hope you enjoy ^-^ for this one-shot you and shinya are already in a relationship.

" This battle has gone on long enough heroes..." The villain spoke , Sounding as cocky as ever.

It's true that this battle has gone on for awhile. This villain took out half of the heroes that you were fighting alongside with.

" You're right , We should end this." Edgeshot rushed in using his quirk to pierce through the villain. The villain smirked , Knowing that he could easily dodge this.

The villain had a liquifying quirk. He could turn his entire body along with anything he's touching into liquid. So when edgeshot tried to use his quirk on the villain , He just went right through.

The villain laughed , He grabbed a big piece of metal from the ground , Throwing it into edgeshot. When he turned back to normal , Edgeshot had a giant gash on his side.

Edgeshot fell on the ground , Blood pooling beside him. " SHINYA!!!" You shouted , Tears threatening to spill. You ran towards edgeshot. The villain laughed. " Seriously? This is so easy!"

The villain picked up another broken piece of metal , Preparing to slash you with it. " You got distracted ya overconfident villain!" Mirkro smirked , Jumping into action , Kicking the villain in the face.

The villain fell unconscious from the force of the kick. Mirkro' s smile widened , But it faded when she heard your sobs. She looked over at you , Expression growing soft at the scene.

" Shinya..." You muttered , Crying into his chest. Shinya' s breaths were short , More like a gasp. You pulled back from his chest , Placing your hands on his wound , Trying to stop the blood from coming out.

" (Y/n)..." He whispered. You didn't speak , But only cried more when the blood slipped through your fingers. " I c-can't...Stop the b-blood...." You whined.

" (Y/n)...It's going to be ok...You're going to be ok." He smiled weakly underneath his mask. " The paramedics won't make it in time..."

You're eye's widened , Tears falling on his chest. " Shinya don't say that! You're gonna be fine! They'll make it-" Shinya placed his hand on your cheek , Wiping away the tears.

" I love you more than you'll ever know (y/n)...Please remember that when I'm gone...."

" Shinya! Don't leave!" He hand fell from your face to your lap. You stared at shinya , Grabbing his hand. " Shinya..." You whispered. " Don't leave me..."

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