Mirio Togata x Reader : Comforting

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For this one-shot you and mirio are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You walked into your home , Closing the door behind you. You let out a shaky breath , Leaning on the wall.

You heard mirio whistling in your shared bedroom , You perked up at the sound but also wanted to leave.

Just before you could move , Mirio opened the door seeing you from across the room. " Ah! You're home! I was just cleaning up a little bit , Thought I could be useful-"

Mirio was interrupted by you running into his arms.

Mirio's cheerful smile turned into a concerned frown when hearing you cry. " Hey Hey! It's ok , What happened?" Mirio wrapped his arms around you tightly , Stroking the back of your head.

You sobbed into his chest , Gripping onto him as much as you could. Mirio's heart ached at the sound.

" You don't have to talk." He spoke , Lifting your head so you could look at him. Mirio gave you a small smile before placing a kiss onto forehead.

" It's gonna be alright. I'm here for you (Y/n)."

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